Sunday, December 23, 2012

Your client does not support opening this list with Windows Explorer

Hi All,

If you ever get the this error "Your client does not support opening this list with Windows Explorer."

When opening SharePoint document library in explorer view that means your missing Desktop Experiance Feature on your server.

Please find below link to enable the Desktop Experiane feature.


Sachin K.

PowerShell Error "The term 'Get-SPSite' is not recignized"

Hi all,

If you get an error in powershell as "The term 'Get-SPSite' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the
spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again."       Then it sounds like the module isn't being imported into the Powershell console. You can add the module by running:

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Sharepoint.Powershell

in the Powershell console.

  Thanks,   Sachin k. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Extracts the host web URL from the query string

Hi All,
Refer to the javascript code below to get the host web url from Query String in SharePoint 2013.


Sachin K.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

SharePoint 2013 Apps Hosting Options

Hi All,

The SharePoint 2013 app model facilitates two broad approaches to hosting your apps for SharePoint: SharePoint-hosted and cloud-hosted.

These are not exclusive categories: An app for SharePoint can have both SharePoint-hosted and remotely hosted components. Within the cloud-hosted approach there are two important subcategories: provider-hosted and autohosted. Each approach has key features you should consider when deciding how to host your apps.

 Below is the diagrammatic representation of SharePoint 2013 App hosting model

Click Here to get more detail information.


Sachin K.

Create Custom Master Page in SharePoint 2013

Hi all,

Creating custom master page is now easier in SharePoint 2013. You can do this with the new feature “Design Manager”. What you will need is just HTML template of your master page along with all required files and a publishing site in SharePoint 2013.

I am not expert in designing aspects :) but here in this post I will explain you how to create simple custom master page from HTML design template in SharePoint 2013.

Here I assume that you are having HTML design template ready with you and it has folder structure as mention below.

First of all you need create publishing site where you are going to apply your custom master page. After successful creation of publishing site you will see two sections on your welcome page. One is I ‘m the Information Architect and another is I ‘m the visual designer.

To create custom master page, you will need to click on Design your site link present under I ‘m the visual designer section.

This will redirect you to the page Design Manager Page which helps you to create your own site design in SharePoint.

You can also navigate to this page from Site Action-->Design Manager Link.


Click on 4. Edit Master Page’s link.

Click on Convert an HTML Files to a SharePoint Master Page Link to map your HTML design template.

Upload your HTML Folder structure (all images, css, js and html file) to this location. You can also do this with the help of SharePoint Designer as well.

After uploading all necessary documents go to the Design Manager.
Click on 4. Edit Master Pages and then click on Convert an HTML File to a SharePoint master page. You will see your HTML page there select that page and click on insert button it will insert master page in to designer managers master page list.

Make sure to publish this file otherwise it will not be available in master page gallery and you will not able to select it from the dropdown list.

Note: You need to take care of you HTML design, it should not contain any unclosed tags and it should be bug free to get it working in first attempt otherwise SharePoint will display an error message when converting HTML file to master page.

Sachin K.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

SharePoint CAML query filter using date time parameter

Hi All,

I went through a scenario where I want to write and CAML query that will filter some data based on the date time value.

The issue is that CAML need to have this date time value in a specific format.

To provide the correct date time format that is recognised by CAML markup you should use SPUtility.CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime function on a date value that you are comparing.

Here is an example of testing that the "Expires" column is greater or equal to the current date:  


Sachin K.

Getting Started with JSRender

Hello All,

If you are new to the JSRender and want to know more about how to render UI using JSRender technique refere to the liks below.

Using JsRender with JavaScript and HTML

Advanced JsRender Templating Features

These are some good links to get started with JSRender.

Sachin K.

Introducing Apps for Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013

Hello all,

If you are not familier with the new app model please refere to the following link.

Here Chakkaradeep Chandran has explained in very simple way to get started with new app model in SharePoint 2013.

Getting Your Office 365 Preview Account

To build apps using the new “Napa” Development Tools, you first need to sign up for the Office 365 Preview which includes the new SharePoint 2013 Preview.

You can find the instructions to do so here -

Thanks Chakkaradeep for this great post.

Sachin k.